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Upper respiratory infections in children - why is my kid coughing again?

Writer's picture: Monika DulianMonika Dulian

Generally speaking, coughing is a symptom of feeling too many emotions bubbling up and us not being able to express them. We feel so much yet we feel powerless to make any changes.

We also cough when we feel controlled and want to get away from a controlling person or circumstance.

In general, these emotions are associated with coughing:

  • there is a feeling of being suppressed, controlled, and manipulated

  • we aren't able to express ourselves

  • influential people "suffocate" us

  • we feel we aren't able to establish our identity

  • we feel like we are walking on eggshells

  • we feel we had "enough" of something

  • fear of abandonment

When we are looking for psychosomatic patterns of coughing and upper respiratory infection in children, we have to acknowledge that the parents, especially a mother (if she is a primary caregiver) can make a child feel controlled and suppressed.

The child does not yet know their place in the family hierarchy, and everything about the daily schedule of the child is controlled by, in this case, the mother.

Of course, mothers do not want to manipulate their children, but what matters in this case, is how the child feels and perceives its environment.

Wouldn't you feel controlled and maybe "suffocated" by your mother's constant presence, making you eat when it's time, making you wear what she wants you to wear, carrying you to places that she wants/needs to carry you to, and add onto that checkups with doctors and being taken care of by people you don't even know (grandmas, baby sitters, etc.).

At some point, it would start feeling like you had enough!

Because the above example is just a normal life of babies and toddlers, and because this is just how things are with kids let's ask ourselves what we can do to remedy our kid's constant coughing...

  1. If possible, give your child a choice (let it chose between 2 toys, 2 colors of spoons, this or that fruit, mom's lap of dad's lap, etc.)

  2. See a bubble of light around your child and you and acknowledge the difference between the baby and you (you aren't one and the same).

  3. Affirm your child that you are near (your intention matters).

  4. Let go of the need to be a perfect mom/dad. Your child's coughing is one of the ways it expresses a buildup of emotions.

  5. Make sure the home environment and surroundings feel soothing, pleasant, and safe to your child. Routines, softness, and controlled exposure to the "new" are your friends.

  6. And of course, make sure there is no extra saliva or mucus in their nose, mouth, or throat, that the air at home isn't dry, and that the child doesn't have any active infections, like whooping cough or croup (talk to the doc first).

Supportive Affirmations:

"I allow my child to express itself freely. I let go of the need to control my environment. I welcome changes and take my time adjusting to the new, and I teach my child the same."

Oils and crystals that can help (please use caution around kids; they can swallow the crystals, and the oils can be irritating or even poisonous to them in large quantities, so keep them away from children):

  • Suppressed self-expression: Bergamot; Blue Lace Agate

  • Boundary overstep: Rosemary; Hematite

  • Infections: Eucalyptus; Amber

I work with moms and children to guide them through gentle emotional healing that supports mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Addressing the prenatal stres your baby experienced during your pregnancy is especially potent!

Healing sessions for you baby and you can be booked here.



Monika Dulian, FMCHC

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